Thursday, February 8, 2024

Transition to Portfolio

 It’s official! We have entered portfolio project season!! 

I have been hearing about this project for a decent amount of time (one would hope so) and the time to begin has come. If I am being quite honest, I am nervous as this is something that would allow me to think and put myself outside of the box. I love media and studying all parts of it, but I have never put myself out there to create my very own piece (talk about being nerv-xcited).

As of now, as I previously mentioned, I feel like a fish in new water, but I feel like I can find my way to my destination, being the completion of this project. I have an idea I want to execute (no pun intended), and it happens to be the total opposite of what I would imagine it would be. As I previously may have hinted in my blog, I am big on rom-coms and animation and personally consider myself a colorful person, completely and polarly opposite to anything dark, such as the horror genre. As of now my horror idea is just a thought, but I kind of really like my idea so far so I’ll be sharing what approaches I may take into consideration when taking my project into action. 

I would love to establish setting. I would love my first piece to show off an amazing city during broad sunlight to then further develop context and character. I would use a place that somehow manages to describe the character, whether it be a colorful place or a bright and beautiful city to resemble the divine beauty and aura of the character, as I would want her to be a bright and beaming person. That idea would also carry onto the context, as it would later show the images of this young woman to be just a memory and develop that feeling of longing for that brilliant and truly missed individual.

To end the clip, I would want to create a mystery, through maybe a sting and most definitely mise-en-scene elements such as props to further bridge and connect both pieces together and raise a question of “what happened?” I really want to create that shift in tone and establish that deep confusion and evoking of deep setiments, due to the attatchment to the charcter, in the viewer in those first two minutes so that they can use that emotion to further drive them to wanting to continue to watch my film!!

As of now I feel that I am surface level and still need to dive a bit deeper, especially considering the fact that I am very very new to this genre. I’d reccommend to my fellow readers, as well as myself, to take this as a sketch of my “masterpiece.” 

So long for now!! I’ll see you next week!

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